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A dump [garbage] of payments and a minor mood. A diary note

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    A dump [garbage] of payments and a minor mood. A diary note.

  A dump [garbage] of payments and a minor mood. A diary note.
  On August 30, 2022, I wrote: "I will try to find some more economical option - I will list the checks (without photocopies), I will send this list by e-mail - but will this give a positive result?" ([MMMCXX.] The city is clean. Off (from) the digital economy. A diary note.).
  I am a law-abiding person (... not without flaws, of course... I can ride a bike into the oncoming lane... as if not to receive a severe punishment... now the rules are tightened...). I am a law-abiding person, therefore, in addition to other pleasant activities (4 applications and 4 responses - correspondence with another utility organization), on August 31, 2022, I wrote a letter and prepared a list of payments.
  "LLC "GK" Clean City"
  When: August 31 at 11:41 am
  To: Milana Vinnichek [email protected]
  From: Z Vl (Vladimir) [email protected]
  LLC Group of Companies Clean City, TIN 3435085647.
  tel. Call center 8-800-707-05-08, email. mail [email protected]
  From Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich ...
  You write:
  "If you made payment under personal account No. (...) for the period from January 01, 2020 to November 2021, confirm with receipts with payment receipts." [unofficial translation]
  I inform about 20 (twenty) documents confirming my payments (but without indicating the personal account number ...):
  1) Check-order,
  PJSC SBERBANK Rostov branch 5221/387, Operation: 117, Date: 04/20/2020 13:32:27,
  Amount 159.00, Commission 30, Total: 189 One hundred and eighty nine rubles, 00 kopecks,
  TIN/KPP 3435085647/616301001, account 40702810052090025137 SOUTH-WESTERN BANK PJSC SBERBANK, BIC: 046015602, Corr. account: 30101810600000000602,
  Full name: Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich,
  Payer's address: [address corresponding to the address on official receipts]
  operator N:1381498,
  The document is executed [fulfilled], Contact Center: 900 (free) 8-945-500-55-50. [unofficial translation]
  [list - in the same form - checks-orders - 18 items]
  20) Check-order,
  PJSC SBERBANK Rostov branch 5221/360, Operation: 127, Date: 29.11.2021 12:11:16,
  Amount 159.00, Commission 30, Total: 189 One hundred and eighty nine rubles, 00 kopecks,
  Payer: Zalessky V.V.
  TIN/KPP 3435085647/616301001, account 40702810052090025137 SOUTH-WESTERN BANK PJSC SBERBANK, BIC: 046015602, Corr. account: 30101810600000000602,
  Full name: Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich,
  Payer's address: [address corresponding to the address on official receipts]
  operator N:1824310,
  The document is executed [fulfilled], Contact Center: 900 (free) 8-945-500-55-50. [unofficial translation]
  Total: 20 payments of 159 rubles each (equal to 3180 rubles) - in the period from 04/20/2020 to 11/29/2021 (inclusive).
  Please let me know what action you have taken.
  Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich
  August 31, 2022
  (Please reply to my email address)" [unofficial translation]
  I sent this application on August 31, 2022 at 11:41.
  Maybe on August 31, 2022 the answer will come? That's very unlikely ... It took me a long time to compile this list ... Checking twenty payments (on a computer) - it takes time. When (while) a boss' resolution appears on the application, when (while) one of the heads of the accounting department gives a task to an ordinary employee - all this takes time ...
  In general, there were hopes for today (September 1, 2022) - maybe everything will be cleared up today. Will I move from debtors to the ranks of persons who overpaid utility bills (in favor of CLEAN CITY GROUP OF COMPANIES LLC)?
  It"s already evening... There is no letter in the e-mail from the CLEAN CITY GROUP OF COMPANIES LLC...
  On the evening radio news, I hear: "A garbage truck driver, while leaving the adjacent territory of a residential building, hit two girls born in 2017 and 2019."
  A minor (cheerless) mood...
  So, after all, I sent an application to the Government of the Russian Federation (by e-mail) on April 27, 2022 ([MMCMXII.] Application to the Government of the Russian Federation sent by e-mail. A diary note. - April 27, 2022), but I still have not received a response.
  September 1, 2022 20:32
  Translation from Russian into English: September 1, 2022 21:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Свалка платежей и минорное настроение. Дневниковая заметка".
  { 3155. Свалка платежей и минорное настроение. Дневниковая заметка.
  MMMCXXVI. A dump [garbage] of payments and a minor mood. A diary note.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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