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The Greek Tragedy

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   Dear ladies and gentlemen, print my article, bring my plan of saving Greece from economic collapse to Heads of States of the European Union, Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, you help to Greeks to work and to banks to get out of transfer irrevocable credits near 100 billion Euros every next three-five years. Now debt of Greece brings near to 500 billion Euros (population of Greece is 11million). I send this article you in order that such Greek tragedy may happen at any country if leaders of countries will not give to residents useful job bringing real profit to State and people. Read, think and decide to bring this news to people appointed Leaders and all. My main goal is the elimination of mass unemployment. Achievements of technological progress relentlessly and ruthlessly eliminate millions of jobs, employment in many branches of human activity reduce in the eyes, and there is no guarantee that you or your neighbors will not be among them. If you are young or middle-aged and before retirement as far as the moon it's impossible to live normally on benefits under the existing tenancy.-pay of rent. And anybody wants to live well and this clover beautiful life as in Greece you are unlikely to shine, especially in Europe its leaders begin to think where to take another one hundred billion Euros for the poor Greeks with pensions and benefits above the Germans of the locomotive of Europe.
  Attempts of the EU Heads of using unpopular reforms, austerity measures to solve the problem of economic chaos is only increasing discontent of the population of Greece, it's necessary to download people with the useful work that I suggest, and many problems will be solved. Leaders say to me that they know everything without me very well. It seems to me that they know not all if they can not know how they should download people with useful work brining benefit all. Therefore, I propose them to load people with useful work to build and even rebuild the city corresponding to modern requirements without the chaos on the roads, compact and ecologically clean. People must not live on handouts which sooner or later will end and if they will not receive them people go into the streets not with roses but with stones, Molotov cocktails and even weapons that happened in Ukraine and in other countries and we know what the outcome was- the change of power. So you do not think that I am writing all this to be lighted for to be famous, I think of you thanks to a reasonable and not insane actions of the head of the country employment was on the maximum level of 95-96%, not to paint a fence or grow flowers in the parks but to create a real project and profit.
   Anatoliy Sibilov
   Greek tragedy and a real plan to save Greece
   Ladies and gentlemen, Heads of State of the European Union, Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland. The great Greek scientist Archimedes of Syracuse said, "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the earth from space -Dos moipu sto, kai tan gan kinaso" and I will add on my own, "Give me the opportunity to provide a small area, it is desirable to mainland Greece by the sea of size 10 X 10 km and with the financial assistance of the EU countries we will build a new modern compact ecologically clean Cibilla City according to my project, planning which create a miracle and change the idea of Greece, the economic boom in the years and decades will increase employment not only in it but also in all countries of the European Union.
   Now, in essence. What is happening now in Greece its fate awaits in the near future many states, first of all it is caused by the thoughtless actions of leaders of the countries unable to choose the right course of the motion for the specific purpose is able to provide the population of real work benefiting the country and himself personally. You can create thousands of government offices in which millions of employees will work getting a good salary and not to bring any concrete benefit to the country what happened with Greece, its stay in the wealthy European Union, which is issued without looking back gave to Powers of Greece to the keeping of its retired bureaucrats $ 400 billion. Not provided with work properly Greeks as civil servants and pensioners wanting to live with many benefits grabbed the throat the EU Leaders and not just asking for almost one hundred billion Euros but demand them all to take Greeks on the full keeping for the eternal. It is impossible to imagine but the EU turned out to be pinned to the wall and now the EU Leaders helplessly seeking a way out of the critical situation. There is the only way out-to give a full time job to millions of people benefiting the people and the state.
   If my letter reach you, you"ll read it and understand the essence of my offer you make contact with me and we will take to realize plan for the way out of Greece from the economic collapse. I still repeat it is not just a Greek tragedy and all countries which are not able to give a full time job, with useful work bringing benefit to the state and currently millions of people to eliminate the impending mass unemployment. If every country will act the Governmental program and people will build a modern compact Cibilla City designed by me convenient for people's lives and work of urban transport in which the eternal, high-speed, non-stop endless traffic and anyone without the headache gets from point A to point B in a short period of time, no subway, bus only, private cars, taxis and plus trucks for all needs. The construction of these cities attract millions of people of different professions, they are loaded with work and seen the concrete fruit of a partic labour. The construction of these cities will be carried out for decades, and after all the time will come when the old city is not adapted to the modern requirements will be reconstructed. That debt of Greece hasn't come close to a trillion Euros it needs to start to discussion of the construction project of the city in Greece, and if the project is approved by all stakeholders, the EU leaders and especially by the Greeks themselves to this project and to realize project and the money was not stolen it needs to establish a council for the implementation in which from Greece and each country taking part and financing were representatives had full control over the flow of finance and execution of the construction of roads, communications and buildings of the all project. All the details of the project, even to accelerate the construction of the City will be given at a meeting with me.
   Greece can not be eternal idler of the EU and if in the coming years, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal join to Greece I say the EU as well as at the time the mighty, rich, generous, indestructible USSR badly has fallen apart and together with it NATO and then it will be a tragedy not only Europe but the entire free world. So ladies and gentlemen think, set the contact with me and I have no doubt if my project be implemented it will benefit everyone. Each state should develop otherwise all waiting for the collapse. But always there is way out from this foolish situation, the Greek tragedy...
   Sincerely, Anatoly Sibilov
   July 11, 2015
   Anatoly Sibilov, New York
   E mail: [email protected]
   Tel: (212) 410 3962
   Go to YouTube anatoliy sibilov click My Channel and see my movie Anatoliy Sibilov New Cbilla City and see my pictures in Attachment. No any virus
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